Family dentistry is the foundation of our practice at Sierra Dental Care, and we consider children’s dentistry one of the most important parts of our practice.
Whether you already have kids or you are planning on having children, we have put together some oral health tips to help you keep your family’s smiles healthy.
That includes scheduling regular visits for dental cleanings and exams at our dentist office if you live in or near Modesto, CA. To request an appointment, call (209) 575-2400 or contact us online. We look forward to seeing you and your little ones, whether it’s for the first time or just since your last visit.
➤ Start Oral Care On Day One
Your child may not have teeth when he or she is born, but you should still take steps to protect their oral health. You can use an infant-sized toothbrush with soft bristles or a wet cloth to wipe your child’s gums before his or her first tooth erupts.
Once he or she has a tooth, then he or she also can develop tooth decay. This is why you will want to use a rice-sized smear of toothpaste to gently brush the tooth while continuing to wipe his or her gums.
When two teeth have erupted next to one another, you should start gently flossing between those teeth as well.
➤ Be Prepared For Teething
Teething is something that all children go through as the primary teeth are erupting. If your child is uncomfortable, you may be able to help by rubbing his or her gums with your fingers for a couple minutes.
A cold teething ring or toy can help as well during times when your child may be feeling pain. If necessary, an age-appropriate pain-reliever can help as well. If you have questions about which pain relievers are appropriate for small children, feel free to call Sierra Dental Care at (209) 575-2400.
➤ Teach Your Child How To Brush & Floss
You will need to brush and floss your children’s teeth for the first few years of their lives. Around age 2 or 3, however, your children may indicate that they want to start doing these things for themselves.
By learning good oral hygiene early, your children are less likely to have long-term oral health problems.
When brushing, remember “two by two.” This means to brush two times every day for two minutes each time. That gives you and your child enough to clean your teeth on all sides and to brush your tongue. By this age, you children can use a pea-sized squeeze of toothpaste when they brush.
Remember to spit out the toothpaste in the sink and to rinse the toothbrush when you are finished.
To clean between your teeth and gums, you and your children should be flossing once per day. To make sure you are flossing correctly, the American Dental Association has put together a visual guide, which you can find here.
Until you are confident that your child knows how to brush and floss correctly, you may want to plan to brush and floss with them. This way you can model what they should be doing.
➤ Bring Your Child With You When You Visit The Dentist
We welcome you to bring your child with you when you visit us for a cleaning and exam. This can help your son or daughter see what we do at our office in Modesto, CA. It also helps your child become familiar with us personally.
We’ve found that this makes it easier for many children when they are ready for their first cleaning and exam.
➤ Talk To Your Child About What Dentists Do
Children are naturally curious about lots of things. If they have questions, do your best to explain how dentists want to help people keep their teeth healthy.
It also may be helpful to discuss the reasons you make regular dental visits. This can help your child understand why coming to the dentist is good for them.
Personal Dental Care For A Lifetime Of Healthy Smiles
Everyone at Sierra Dental Care believes you and your children deserve personal care and attention every time you visit the dentist. To us, the most important person is the person sitting in our dentist chair.
We will make every effort to keep your child comfortable and to make their dental visits fun, too.
To learn more about us or to request an appointment, you can contact us with our online form or call us at (209) 575-2400.